Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Define Labor for Me...

Main Entry: 1la·bor
Pronunciation: \ˈlā-bər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French labur, from Latin labor; perhaps akin to Latin labare to totter, labi to slip — more at sleep
Date: 14th century
a : expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory (2) : the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits
b (1) : human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy
c : the physical activities (as dilation of the cervix and contraction of the uterus) involved in giving birth; also :
Labor to men means one thing: work. But, to many women, labor has two meanings. Just look at the definition of labor. a: the expenditure of effort;  c: the physical activities involved in giving birth.
Herein lies the pun, Labor of Women. Is the role of women simply to give labor or be part of the labor force? This is a question that is not only prevalent in less developed countries, but also in the Western world.
Here is a NY Times article discussing just this topic:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Labor of Women

Hello, my name is Sarah Fowler and I am a woman. I have been a woman all of my life =) and have loved every second of it. Being a woman means getting to dress up for no reason, and getting out of speeding tickets with just a smile. Being a woman, I didn't need to talk sports all of the time, or amuse myself by farting. Overall, I would say it has been a good life. So, at night, I can kneel down next to my  bed and thank God that I am a woman. I grew up assuming that all girls/woman did the same.
Not all women, however, are as happy to be women as I am. In some countries and areas of the world, women are mistreated, abused, and relegated by their counterparts and their culture to the lowest positions. As I continued dwelling on this thought, I was reminded that just a decades ago, a woman from the United States would not have the luxury ebrace the same excitement that I have for being a woman.
I hope to spend the rest of my life contributing to this cause to mitigate the gender disparities in the world. This is step one of many in my mission to discuss, and disclose, and free the labor of women.